MATRIX VISION mvBlueLYNX IPK Feed ================================= October 2006 / hg This directory contains all the packages for the mvBlueLYNX-2xx, -4xx, 6xx and -M5xx series cameras. *************************************************************** ** DO NOT USE THESE FILES FOR the mvBlueLYNX-1xx / mvSENSOR *** *************************************************************** In general you should always update all the packages from the "base" section at the same time and you should have all the packages from the section "systool" installed as well. Here is a list of essential packages and their sections: Section Name ======= ==== base safeboot base kernel20 or kernel25 or kernel-mvblm base ppc-ipk base allocator base mvs base i2c-82xx base mvfb base mvslib systool mvstest systool mvserver systool mvs-tools The following packages are optional but are usually installed on the mvBlueLYNX. Section Name ======= ==== systool chkser systool startmv systool mvsrspd systool mvconfig systool pkipkinst systool pgboard picogui picogui All other packages are optional and may be installed or updated if you wish. It is possible to update your mvBlueLYNX by copying individual files and explicitly updating each one. Alternatively you may use a beta feed which we have setup for this purpose on our website. It contains beta versions of all the current IPK packages for the mvBLueLYNX -2xx, -4xx, -6xx and mvBlueLYNX-M5xx models. WARNING: These files are BETA VERSIONS and may not have been tested as thoroughly as the RELEASE VERSIONS. To use the beta feed directly please alter the file "/etc/ipkg.conf" on the mvBlueLYNX to look like the example below. Example "/etc/ipkg.conf" file: ===================================================================== src betafeed dest root / # Proxy support (optional): # Replace with your proxy URLs and user/password if needed # option http_proxy option ftp_proxy option proxy_username xxxx option proxy_password xxxx option no_proxy "titan triton europa rhea oberon" ===================================================================== To use this beta feed from behind a firewall or proxy you will need to install the "wget" package (download it and install it by hand) and alter the configuration file "/etc/ipkg.conf" to include proxy information. Assuming you have altered "/etc/ipkg.conf" appropriately and you have Internet access from your mvBlueLYNX, just issue the following commands: ipkg update ipkg upgrade This will upgrade all installed packages to the latest beta status. You can list the packages available on the feed with: ipkg update ipkg list You can list the installed packages with: ipkg status You can install new packages with: ipkg update ipkg install e.g. ipkg install mvconfig You may also download this entire directory including the file "Packages" and install it on a local webserver or FTP server. Alter your "/etc/ipkg.conf" file to point to the local URL (the " src" directive) for this directory and then you may install or upgrade within an internal network whenever you wish.